What are the best techniques of Amazon Automatic Feedback Requests?

2020 is the year that is all about automation and is especially true for Amazon feedback requests. When you are an Amazon seller, you know reviews play a crucial role in your sales. Automating this process will aid you in more ways than you are realizing.

Check out these techniques for Amazon automotive feedback requests. It will encourage your seller feedback rating, and save you time.

Look for an Automated Feedback App

To start, you need to look for the best Amazon email automation like Panda-Boom. You can stick with Amazon to send the few messages for you, it is a simple job and Amazon will take care for you. But you will be losing out since you don’t have a control on the time, consistency and tone of the emails it sends.

A special feedback app is a much better option since it will send emails when you want. It will provide you with the template with consistent voice and professionalism, send you alerts for any negative reviews, and more.

Timing is key

The next step is to ascertain the timing of your messages. You must set up the feedback app to send an email during:

  • Post-Sale: Your first message should go right after the buyer has bought your product. It should be a short email thanking them for buying your product.

  • Post-delivery: Set your next email to send about two days after the delivery date. The email will consist of a request for a review of the purchase. Wish them well and then politely ask them if they can write a review with a link to redirect them to the site.

Ask the right buyer for a review

There are certain cases when you should not ask for product feedback. For instance, buyers who repeatedly purchase the same product from you every month. It would only annoy them if you send them a feedback email every time. You can send the email on their first purchase and that’s it. If they are continuously buying from you, they are happy with your service and product.

Pick the right template for the email

There is a big possibility that your customer belongs to different demographics and each one justifies their template. After all, you can’t send a millennial-style email to a middle-aged person or send an email in Italian to a Brit. You must know who your buyers are and then work on the right template for them. It will also help you with how to boost product sales on Amazon.

Be clear with what you want

Generally, people are very good at following instructions. When you’re writing your email, make sure you state the reason for your email and there is a call-to-action button. Also, make sure the link takes them directly to the page where they can write their feedback.


You don’t have to be a genius to understand and apply these steps for your business. Amazon is a highly competitive market and you must find new, innovative and legal ways to stay ahead of the competition. You can get in touch with Panda-Boom to know how you can grow your business on Amazon concurrently.



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