How to get initial reviews on Amazon?

It is no hidden fact that real users giving genuine Amazon product reviews contribute a lot to buying decisions. A recent study claimed that 75% of all online buyers check product reviews before making their decision. The case is of high importance for Amazon since its whole search process is based on product reviews and ratings. Product reviews are not only meant for customers to make decisions, but also for Amazon to deliver better products and services to customers.

How to get initial reviews on Amazon?

To grow your brand on Amazon, you need to work on how to get initial reviews on Amazon. The step comes right after you understand how to launch a new product on Amazon. Luckily for you, Amazon understands the importance of reviews for a seller. To help sellers out, Amazon runs four programs to get customer reviews.

Amazon follow-up system

Amazon has designed a follow-up system that checks with the shopper about the product they bought. It sends an email that asks a shopper to leave a product review or report any issue they might have faced.

Generally, Amazon will only send one review request email per product to a shopper. But if you want, you can send a second request email using Amazon ‘Request a Review’ function.

Amazon ‘Request a Review’ button

You can find Amazon ‘Request a Review’ button in the Seller Central’s Order Reports. It lets you send an automatic follow-up email to your customers within three to thirty days of buying your product. Technically, Amazon will only allow you to send one review request per product. But, since you sent your request after Amazon sent theirs, you stand a better chance of getting a review.

There was even independent research done to study the changes ‘Request a Reviews’ button brought. The research studied Amazon product listing two weeks before and after the release of the button. The experts found that those sellers who used the ‘Request a Reviews’ button saw a substantial increase in average reviews.

Amazon Early Reviewer Program

To encourage buyers to write reviews, Amazon devised the Early Reviews Programs. Amazon sends the buyer an offer to write a review and give a $5 gift card right after making their purchase. If you want to be a part of the program, all you have to do is submit your product and agree to their terms. When a buyer does write a review, Amazon charges $60 from the seller.

Amazon Vine Program

Vine Program is the latest in the long line of programs launched by Amazon to help sellers boost their sales. The company specially started the program for sellers who have Amazon brand-register products with less than 30 reviews. In this program, a seller needs to submit 30 units from their inventory. The products are then sent to vine reviewers for free who test them and write reviews.

Grow your business

As a new seller on Amazon, it can become intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be complicated! All you have to do is keep your customer service high and enroll your brand and product in these programs. To grow your business even further, start using SEO tools and get in-depth knowledge from Panda Boom. It is a useful tool for companies that want to expand on Amazon.


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