5 Tested & Trusted Ways to Increase Amazon Ranking

So you just launched a new product on Amazon? Great going!

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world. Since it is the most visiting online shopping destination for millions of people across the globe, you can expect to have healthy profit margins.

However, merely launching a product won’t be sufficient; you will need to make some efforts to boost the visibility of your product on Amazon.

If you’re wondering how to increase Amazon ranking, read this post till the end. We will make you familiar with five tested and trusted tips to boost Amazon ranking.

However, before we jump into tips and tricks, let’s understand Amazon’s product search algorithm (A9).

Boost Product Sales on Amazon

Amazon Product Search Algorithm (A9)

The Amazon A9 algorithm is entirely different from Google’s. It delivers results via a two-step process. First, it derives relevant results from the catalog and then ranks them as per the relevancy.

Amazon has been continuously evaluating its algorithms with the help of programmatic analysis, human judgments, and critical business metrics.

As per the A9 Algorithm, conversion rate, customer satisfaction, and relevancy are the three major ranking factors in Amazon. As a result, all your ranking strategies should be around these three elements.

Tips to Increase Amazon Ranking   

1. Optimize Your Product Listing

To obtain high conversion rates, you need to create a product list that stands out from the rest. Write catchy product descriptions, along with a list of product features and benefits. Keep your descriptions short and sweet, and don’t forget to create useful tags for them.

Also, upload multiple high-quality images that show your product from different views. Remember, pictures can help you engage your visitors, increase CTR, and eventually boost conversion rates.

2. Do Keyword Research

As relevancy is one of the significant ranking factors in Amazon, you should add relevant keywords in listing so that your product can easily be found on search terms.

For keyword research, you can use Amazon fill-in search dropdown. Alternatively, you can try Google Keyword Planner. And if you’re running a PPC campaign, you can look for high volume keywords there as per your niche.

3. Improve Your Order and Shipping Process

As order processing and shipping speed are directly associated with user-experience, you can’t take them back seat.

Don’t forget, customer satisfaction is one of the key ranking factors as per the A9 Algorithm. So try to stay consistent as much as possible when processing and shipping orders. Also, pay attention to the accuracy and speed in order processing.

4. Earn Positive Reviews

Encourage your happy customers to give positive feedback. Not only will it help you get higher rankings but also more leads. However, for earning good feedbacks, you will need to focus on providing a great consumer experience.

You can request reviews by sending follow-up emails or via social media and newsletter.

5. Inventory Management

Inventory management is also quite essential for customer satisfaction. Always keep your store shelves well-stocked so that you don’t disappoint any of your customers during high demand.

So these are a few tips to increase Amazon ranking. If you’re in search of a multi-channel system to promote your Amazon products or need any support for a new product launch, you may consider contacting Panda Boom. They provide a wide range of tools and solutions that can help you at different stages of the Amazon business model.


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